Partial Truths, or the Carnival-ization of Desire

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Partial Truths, or the Carnival-ization of Desire da Mind Map: Partial Truths, or the Carnival-ization of Desire

1. Everyday Sexuality

1.1. explicit erotic poetry without embarrassment

1.2. good natured humor

1.3. subtlety of humor

1.4. you are defined by your role in consumption process

2. Carioca Identity

2.1. Native of Rio de Janeiro

2.2. sensual

2.3. tropical sexuality


2.5. sexuality is central

2.6. key metaphor is social life

2.7. more concerned with buttocks than breasts

2.8. sex positive attitude towards life

2.9. grounded as different from North American bodies or European bodies

3. Centrality of Sexuality

3.1. sexual joking and teasing in benign relationships

3.2. permissive and celebratory

3.3. normative heterosexuality

3.4. "O Amor Natural"

4. Male Homosexuality in Brazil

4.1. Upper-Class Model

4.1.1. "import" from Western culture

4.1.2. connects one's sexuality and social identity

4.2. Lower Class Model

4.2.1. binary construct homen (men) active partner penetrator ' represents masculine bicha (faggot) passive receiver represents effeminate men compromised masculinity

4.3. Male Prostitution

5. Ageless Sexuality

5.1. presentation of elders

5.2. ageless interest in sex

5.3. sexual exploits

5.3.1. father-daughter talk of infidelities

6. Eating as Sexuality

6.1. you are defined by your role in consumption process

6.2. "comer" and "dar"

6.3. you are NOT defined by what you consume

6.4. who is eating whom

6.5. "eating" metaphors

6.5.1. men eat

6.5.2. women are eaten

7. Sacanagem

7.1. "notions of aggression and hostility, play and amusement, sexual excitement and erotic practice"

7.1.1. good or bad

7.1.2. borders transgression

7.1.3. gives pleasure

7.1.4. humiliates another