Unethical Health Decisions for Athletes

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Unethical Health Decisions for Athletes da Mind Map: Unethical Health Decisions for Athletes

1. Drug use

1.1. Performance enhancing drugs

1.2. Prescription drugs to treat injuries or conditions

1.3. Recreational drugs

1.4. Reactions of taking different types of drugs

2. Sporting Industry

2.1. Advances in sports science and technology

2.1.1. Increased Expectations

2.2. Banned substance list constantly differing

2.3. Is the athlete making decisions or are they made by their sporting organisation

3. Recent Known Cases

3.1. Essendon Football Club

3.2. Maria Sharapova

3.3. Russian Olympic Team

4. Outside Pressure on Athlete

4.1. Sporting club/organisation

4.1.1. Coaching/training staff

4.1.2. Team medical staff

4.1.3. Team mates

4.1.4. Sponsors

4.2. Fans

4.2.1. TV Media (News, Sporting Programs)

4.2.2. Print media (Newspapers/magazines)

4.2.3. Social Media (fans and critics feel closer to sportspeople more than ever)

5. Personal Pressure on Athlete

5.1. Mental health

5.2. Physical health

5.3. Financial pressure

5.4. Personal life