Game Based Learning in schools???

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Game Based Learning in schools??? da Mind Map: Game Based Learning in schools???

1. What value?

1.1. additional resource

1.2. independant learning

1.3. preparing for the future

2. Technology in everyday life.

2.1. Ipads

2.2. computers

2.3. iPhones

3. Addiction

3.1. How much is appropriate

3.2. Addiction in young children

3.3. Is it time managed

3.4. school vs home

4. Failure, whats the alternative?

4.1. Do children need to fail

4.2. alternative schools

5. Age appropriate

5.1. Kindy?

5.2. Lower primary

5.3. upper primary

5.4. High school

6. What is GBL?

6.1. Ipads

6.2. Digital Apps

6.3. Computers

6.4. Traditional games?

6.5. Technology

7. How has it changed ?

7.1. Traditional games

7.2. New Technology i.e. iPads

8. Uses in school?

8.1. Reading , writing apps

8.2. special needs children i.e.. Autism

8.3. Primary?

8.4. Secondary?

8.5. Additional resource for advanced children