Chapter 4 : Images

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Chapter 4 : Images da Mind Map: Chapter 4 : Images

1. Vector-drawn graphics

1.1. Computer-aided design (CAD)

1.2. Graphic artists designing

1.3. 3-D animation programs

1.4. Application requiring drawing of graphic shapes

2. Colors and palettes

2.1. Understanding natural light and color

2.2. Additive color

2.3. Subtractive color

2.4. Models used to spectify color

2.4.1. 1. RGB model

2.4.2. 2. HSB and HSL models

2.4.3. 3. Other models include CMYK, CIE, YIQ, YUV, YCC

2.5. Color palettes

2.6. Dithering

3. Image file types

3.1. Macintosh formats

3.2. Windows formats

3.3. Cross-platform formats

4. Before commencing the creation of images

4.1. 1. Plan your approach

4.2. 2. Organize the available tools

4.3. 3. Configure computer workplace

5. Making still images

5.1. Still images

5.1.1. Bitmaps (raster)

5.1.2. Vector-drawn graphics

5.2. Vector editor = drawing program

5.3. Bitmaps

5.4. Capturing and editing images