'Reality Television often bears little resemblance to real life and encourages superficial views ...

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'Reality Television often bears little resemblance to real life and encourages superficial views on people and relationships.Given the genres popularity, is it fair to say that this type of programming is unethical and corrupting to society? da Mind Map: 'Reality Television often bears little resemblance to real life and encourages superficial views on people and relationships.Given the genres popularity, is it fair to say that this type of programming is unethical and corrupting to society?

1. Superficial Views

1.1. Creates a superficial world

1.2. Based on material gain

1.3. SEX SELLS- encouraging sexual activity in younger people.

2. Unethical

2.1. Encouraging younger people to be sexually active

2.2. Making a mockery of society, not to mention insulting our intelligence.

2.3. Bears little resemblance to real life, but is passed off as reality regardless.

3. Keeping Up With the Kardashians

4. People and Relationships

4.1. Damaging to young minds

4.2. Unrealistic expectations

4.3. Exacerbating body image problems

5. Rubbing salt in the wounds of the minority

6. Farmer wants a wife

7. Let's get married