Chapter 3 :Text

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Chapter 3 :Text da Mind Map: Chapter 3 :Text

1. Computers and Text

1.1. Bitmap font and Vector font

1.1.1. Rasterization

1.1.2. Anti-aliasing

1.2. Character sets

1.2.1. ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)

1.2.2. Extended Character Set (ISO Latin-1)

1.2.3. Unicode

2. Font Mapping

3. Fontographer

4. Hypertext

4.1. Electronic publishing and reference works

4.2. Technical documentation

4.3. Educational courseware

4.4. Interactive kiosks

4.5. Electronic catologs

5. Understanding Fonts an Typefaces

5.1. Font styles

5.1.1. Boldface

5.1.2. Italic

5.1.3. Underlining

5.1.4. Outlining

5.2. Font terminology

5.2.1. Baseline

5.2.2. Cap height

5.2.3. x-height

5.2.4. Ascenders / descenders

5.2.5. Kerning

5.2.6. Tracking

5.3. Cases

5.3.1. uppercase

5.3.2. lowercase

5.4. Serif versus sans serif

6. Text Elements in a Multimedia Presentation

6.1. Menus for navigation

6.2. Interactive buttons

6.3. Fields for reading

6.4. HTML document

6.5. Symbols and icons

7. Hypermedia

7.1. Links

7.2. Nodes

7.3. Anchors