Chapter 3 Text

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Chapter 3 Text da Mind Map: Chapter 3 Text

1. Typeface is a family of graphic characters of many type sizes and styles Font is a collection of character of a single size and style belonging to a particular typeface family.

2. Bitmap font consist of a matrix of dots or pixels representing the image • The file size increase as more sizes added • Require a lot memory • Non-scalable Vector fonts drawing use instruction and mathematical formula to describe each glyph • The file size is smaller than bitmap • Truetype, OpenType, and Postscript are vector font format.

3. Font rasterization is the process of converting text from a vector description to a bitmap or other graphic.

4. Antialiasing is a software technique for diminishing jaggies. It smoothen the jagged edges to improve the graphic/ text appearance or readability.

5. Font mapping: If the font you used is not available in other people’s computer, a font will be used to substitute.

6. Hypertext is a text that contain link to other text. It is a subset of a hypermedia. Hypermedia is not constrained to be text-based. It include media such as graphic, image, sound, and video.

7. Kerning- adjustment of space between certain pairs of letter Tracking- adjustment of space for group of letters Serif: A serif is where there is little decoration at the end of the letter stroke. It is used for printed media or document that have large quantities of text. Sans Serif: A Sans Serif is there does not have any decoration at the end of letter stroke. The fonts are used for headlines, and bold statement; better for computer display.

8. The text elements used in multimedia are: • Menus for navigation • Field for reading • HTML document • Symbol and Icon