Improving Creativity of the Project Team

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Improving Creativity of the Project Team da Mind Map: Improving Creativity of the Project Team

1. Empowerment

1.1. Power

1.1.1. Team distribution

1.2. Moral

1.2.1. Individual Behaviour

1.2.2. Work Ethic

1.3. Positive Thinking

1.3.1. Project goal align

2. Coordination and Cooperation

2.1. Enhanced Teamwork

2.1.1. Greater Accountability

2.1.2. Greater Control

2.1.3. Improved Communications

2.1.4. Organisational Enhancement

2.1.5. Reduced Risks

2.2. Problem Solving

2.2.1. Conflict Resolution

2.3. Perception and Vision

2.3.1. Project Team

3. Leadership Style and Behaviour

3.1. Leadership Barriers

3.1.1. Hierarchal cultural

3.1.2. Sub-Optimal Organisation for decision making

3.1.3. Ineffective Communication

3.1.4. Lack of Resources and Information

3.2. Address the Needs of the Team

3.3. Improve Communication

3.3.1. Project decision-making

4. Design Process

4.1. Understanding User Needs

4.1.1. Client buy-in

4.1.2. Client driven innovation

4.2. Improved Research(R and D)

4.3. Understand the Process

4.3.1. Early Contractor Involvement

4.4. Governance

4.4.1. Bureaucratic  Culture

4.4.2. Organisational

4.4.3. Team governance

4.5. Use of Technology

5. Innovation Development

5.1. Entrepreneurial Culture

5.2. Knowledge and Information Sharing

5.3. Management Practices

5.3.1. Leadership and management Guidance

5.3.2. Organisation Structure

5.3.3. Human Resource Selection

5.4. Individual Employee Creativity

5.4.1. Fluency Knowledge Transfare

5.4.2. Project Team

5.4.3. Culture of Innovation

6. Team Strucure

6.1. Selection the project manager

6.2. Team selection and recruitment

6.3. Team/Group process

6.4. Reviewing and Evaluation

7. Performing Team

7.1. Employee Contributes Input

7.2. Shared Values

7.3. Unit coming together

8. Motivation

8.1. Employee Motivation

8.1.1. Pay and Benefits

8.1.2. Relastionships

8.1.3. Company Policies

8.1.4. Working Conditions

8.2. Job Satisfaction