Protecting Wild Animals and Terrain

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Protecting Wild Animals and Terrain da Mind Map: Protecting Wild Animals and Terrain

1. poachers

1.1. do it for the "trophies"

1.2. leave the carcuses of the animals to decay

1.3. don't think about the numbers

1.4. don't think about the endangered animals

1.5. don't care if it is illegal

2. land

2.1. land is decreasing each year due to construction

3. poaching

3.1. kills animals illegaly

3.2. mainly happens to wild animals in Africa

4. Animals

4.1. Giraffes

4.2. Elephants

4.3. Lions

4.4. Tigers

4.5. Kangaroos

5. Africa

5.1. has most of the wild animals

5.2. where most poaching happens

5.3. known for its geography