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Bullying da Mind Map: Bullying

1. Physical

1.1. Physical - repeated hitting, kicking, tripping, blocking, pushing, touching in unwanted and inappropriate ways, etc.

1.2. Signs: unexplained cuts, scratches or bruises, missing or damaged clothes, frequent complaints of headaches and stomachaches, verbal, social/emotional, and cyber signs as well, etc.

2. Social/Emotional

2.1. Social/Emotional -  leaving someone out of an activity or group, by spreading rumors, embarrassing someone in public, etc.

2.2. Signs: mood changes, isolation, low self-esteem, depression, loss in appetite, always sleeping/in bed, etc.

3. This topic interests me because bullying is a huge problem, and it needs to be stopped.

4. Verbal

4.1. Verbal - name-calling, threatening, making disrespectful comments about someone's attributes (appearance, religion, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, etc.)

4.2. Signs: isolation, mood changes, change in appetite, depression, low self-esteem, always sleeping/in bed, etc.

5. Cyber

5.1. Cyberbullying - attacking someone by spreading mean words, lies, false rumors through e-mails, text messages, and social media posts, etc.

5.2. Signs: trouble sleeping, begs to stay home from school, withdraws from activities they once enjoyed, low self-esteem, depression, always sleeping/in bed, etc.