Scientific Revolution

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Scientific Revolution da Mind Map: Scientific Revolution

1. Causes

1.1. The invention of the printing press facilitated the impression of knowledge

1.2. Reformations ceate questioning of religion

1.3. The application of the scientific method

2. Effects

2.1. The use of the Scientific Method resulted in discoveries in medicine, physics, and biology.

2.2. People began to question religion and now preferred to try to explain the universe with math and science over religion.

2.3. People began to question the government, and their rights in general, especially the freedom of speech.

3. Johannes Gutenberg

3.1. A German Blacksmith, Goldsmith, Printer, Publisher, And Inventor.

3.2. Invented the printing press.

3.3. Used oil based ink and wooden for the creation of it.

4. Important dates

4.1. 1543: Andreas Vesalius Publishes On the Fabric of the Human Body

4.2. 1591: Francois Viete Invents Analytical Trigonometry

4.3. 1591: Galileo Galilei Demonstrates the Properties of Gravity

4.4. 1687: Isaac Newton Publishes Philosophia Naturalis Principia Mathematica