Cognitive Psychology

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Cognitive Psychology da Mind Map: Cognitive Psychology

1. Behaviorism

1.1. Focuses on observable behavior; how behavior changes in response to stimuli (Rewards & punishments. Ex: mice finding cheese in a maze)

1.2. Language = verbal behavior

1.3. Memory = learning

1.4. Intelligence = behavior on IQ tests

2. Transcendental Method

2.1. Determines cause by observing backwards, from the internal factors to the external

3. Black Box

3.1. We observe directly (Input --> Black box --> Outbox)

4. Introspection

4.1. The mind is used to understand itself (analyzes cognition)

4.2. Problems: Some thoughts are unconscious, inaccessible; impossible to test objectively (can affect a person's thinking by saying/doing something

4.3. Methods of studying are not scientific

5. Working memory is temporary memory storage

5.1. Central executive: controlling part of memory

5.2. Assistant components