Isometric mind map

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Isometric mind map da Mind Map: Isometric mind map

1. Editor

1.1. Buildings

1.2. Areas

1.2.1. Areas editing interface

1.3. Constants

1.3.1. Constant Control

1.3.2. Constants controls autogen

1.3.3. Sorting constants by class-container

1.3.4. DefaultBuilding parsing

1.3.5. Arrays parsing

1.4. Code

1.4.1. JSON Requests GameData

1.4.2. Other Loading errors

2. Core

2.1. Design features

2.1.1. .ToString()s

2.1.2. Replace one data singleton by [GameConstant]

2.1.3. Replace all data singletons by [GameConstant]

2.1.4. XML documentation

2.1.5. CommonCore & HidedCore?

2.2. Funсtionality

2.2.1. Encoding & version checking

2.2.2. BuildingPattern decorators / inheritors?

2.2.3. Saving

2.2.4. Constants Constants loading

2.3. Additional functionality

2.3.1. Protected email data saving

3. Launcher

3.1. Make it work

3.1.1. Game launching

3.1.2. Connecting to server

4. Unity client

4.1. Functionality

4.1.1. Make it work with launcher

4.1.2. Price sending & showing

4.1.3. Exit button

4.1.4. Unsaved changes warning

4.2. GUI

4.2.1. Draw icon

4.3. Code design

4.3.1. CommandManager

4.3.2. use ConnectionActive

4.3.3. incapsulate NController.Thread

4.3.4. Static classes in Ui

5. DLL

5.1. IntVector

5.1.1. [Dimensions]

5.1.2. Rename to Girvel.Vector

5.2. Girvel.Graph

5.2.1. GitHub repository

5.3. EnumerableExtensions

5.3.1. Rename to Girvel.Enumerable

5.3.2. Methods must return Enumerable?

6. All

6.1. exclude -> gitignore

7. Gameplay

7.1. Buildings tree