Scavenger Hunt

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Scavenger Hunt da Mind Map: Scavenger Hunt

1. Подготовка

1.1. заготовьте 5-10 необычных

1.1.1. фактов

1.1.2. объектов

1.1.3. понятий

1.1.4. вопросов

1.1.5. книг

1.1.6. статей

1.2. отошлите инструкцию

1.2.1. сколько элементов вы сможете найти?

1.2.2. найдите как можно больше

1.2.3. запишите дату когда нашли каждый

1.2.4. будет приз для того, кто найдёт всё

2. примеры

2.1. Find a topic-related article and write the title, source, and article date here

2.2. Find another employee who has taken this training and write his/her name here.

2.3. Find out what you will be able to do once you have taken this training and write it here.

2.4. Look up one the following authors [include the names of some authors] and write the titles of their topic-related books here.

2.5. Find an object that can be a metaphor (a representation) of the training topic. Bring the object to the training, and be ready to explain how the training topic is like this object. Write down the name of the object you are bringing

2.6. Find a worksheet, handout, newspaper article, or other printed material that is topic-related and bring it to the training. Write the title of what you are bringing.

2.7. Ask another employee a topic-related question he has. Write down his name and question.

2.8. Look up the training topic and write down the URLs of three topic-related websites.

2.9. Write a topic-related question you want an answer for during the training.

2.10. Find an object related to the topic and bring it to the training. Write what it is here.

2.11. Find out what your supervisor, manager, or administrator thinks is important to know about this topic. Record his/her name and responses here.