Duncan's Creativity Park

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Duncan's Creativity Park da Mind Map: Duncan's Creativity Park

1. S.T.A.R Moment

1.1. I want to help artists back home be who they are without the financial and logistical burden that all artists have now. And to do that my big idea is to bring back industry standards from the States and help develop music artists back home.

2. Obstacles

2.1. Production

2.1.1. I think the lack of mastery on the tools I use will slightly hinder my ability to communicate my message across.

2.2. Presentation

2.2.1. The audience will think of why they should hire me or collaborate with me in the first place. I am a small fry, with little to no potential to make a huge impact in the music industry. Then I will have to think of a way to show that I am qualify to take on the challenge to revamp the music industry. Using my past qualifications of having a law degree, volunteering in the Amazon rainforests, interning in Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre (KLPAC), and working as an Asst. Stage Manager for a show in KLPAC. Yes some of those might not be relevant towards the music industry but I know they are relevant in a way. These experiences taught me professionalism, caring for others, working with others without compromising and at the same time be in line with earth values.

2.2.2. The audience will also think, this doesn't affect me at all because my plans will not particularly benefit them but benefit me and my community back home. I will say to them that, "No, that's not true." Whenever I work, I look for ways to contribute back to the community that provided me the work in the first place. Whether it's by simply providing a change to increase efficiency in the workflow or providing an international insight. As the world is getting more and more connected, we are not confined within our borders, markets are growing larger and larger and opportunities are out there. And it will be a win-win situation for both parties.

3. What's the whole point of this presentation? What is my message.

3.1. To persuade my audience that I want to learn more about the industry and that I cannot do it alone and have enough funds at the same time to create a creativity park.

4. Audience

4.1. Who is my audience?

4.1.1. Venture capitalists Accenture Ventures Arthur Sherry Jean de Fougerolles Sam Miller John Handley Charles Breese Chris Wheatcroft Kieran Hill

5. Tools for presentation

5.1. Powerpoint - I'd still prefer a textbook presentation with slides but streamlined with easy to understand engaging content. The reason I still prefer a textbook presentation is that the public are much more ready for presentations than unconventional ones and will not tune out if we used other methods.

5.1.1. There are still aspects of Powerpoint that I haven't explored yet. Using slide transitions to create panning effects, spending more time creating natural movements in animation.

5.2. Pen and paper - To draft my speech, along with cue cards (hopefully I won't be using them but if I have a stand, it would still be useful to have them to trigger my memory and not lose track).

5.3. Prezi - I could use this to properly represent my mind map here and it could lead to much easier editing and flow. But from an audience standpoint, I haven't seen a proper example of a good way to use it.

5.4. Google Chrome - For obvious reasons, to look for facts and fact check whatever I say.

6. Sparkline - What's my flow?

6.1. Beginning - Music Artist

6.1.1. Tell how has music shaped your life and how you want to share it with the world. Music happens everywhere. Humans have taken it to use it as a means of communication. It depicts emotion, story, sometimes with purpose and sometimes just for the fun of it. Personal Story - I've been classically trained as through ABRSM and through Yamaha. At one point in my music life, I couldn't continue on due to studies. But every time I have troubles in my studies I have always sort back to music as an escape-pad and I think everyone should benefit from it. And one way for me to help people enjoy more from music nowadays is to promote purposeful music. Sonic-wise and meaning-wise. How? I make them. I take inspiration from Japanese and Western films along with how language is used. I then use that and translate ideas using just my computer to make meaningful noise. The whole point of this is to create a fan base that is peaceful and understanding towards different cultures and to question the meaning of life. What do I do?  I create electronic music. If I were to describe my music, it'll sound more of Japanese electronic dance music or JDM for short.  I want to make it on online labels that promote the love of music and the sense of community. Labels like Monstercat, Proximity and being highlighted by Suicide Sheep is what I strive for at the moment.

6.2. Middle - The logistics of creating space and events

6.2.1. Pre - There are not many spaces that is readily available for creative individuals back in Malaysia. Only those who have the funds are only capable of renting space. As a person who craves for a space to create, collaborate and share it on a stage, having a space is essential.

6.2.2. Why do I want to do this? It's because I know music events, trade shows, and music festivals are organized at a sub-par level back where I am from. Customers not having a clean and safe place to enjoy is what I want to change. Evidence: Drug abuses are a common thing in festivals and it brings a lot of consequences to the integrity of festivals leading to governments cancelling shows and not authorizing more shows.

6.2.3. My Full Sail Education provided me with the necessary insights into the music industry. From learning about how a song is created from bottom up to establish a tour around the world. It has also opened up opportunities to work with studios, labels and event companies to produce records, music festivals and gaming conventions.

6.2.4. I have released music on Monstercat and have gotten many streams and highlights by them. I have also done quite a number of gigs in Montreal where I was invited to play in one of their shows along with hosting their Monstercat podcast (Takeover).

6.2.5. What I hope to achieve - is to have a event's company or a label that is built by the people for the people. A creativity park - by the people for the people. It is when we have the respect of the public that we are true to our words, then we will only grow as one. This event's company will not be confined to just music but it covers all types of entertainment, including the rise of electronic sports.

6.3. End - Space Creator (where's your call to action?)

6.3.1. I want the opportunity to learn from the industry hands-on. Being a music artist, that's only one side of the big picture. Helping more people reach their full potential, that's my goal. Help me give a voice to the music community in Malaysia.