Effect of Malay-China Trade Relations During the Malacca Sultanate on the Emergence of Chinese Pe...

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Effect of Malay-China Trade Relations During the Malacca Sultanate on the Emergence of Chinese Peranakan Community da Mind Map: Effect of Malay-China Trade Relations During the Malacca Sultanate on the Emergence of Chinese Peranakan Community

1. Commercial activities in Malacca

1.1. • Provide modern infrastructure facilities • Strategically located act as entrepot pot (receiver or buyer) • Served as a central collection and marketing places and develop of country trade.

2. China Trade Relations and Malacca

2.1. • Malay sultanate of Malacca refuge from Ming Dynasty • Malacca and china had close diplomatic relationship and Malacca had trade relation.

3. History of Chinese Arrival in Malacca

3.1. • On the British colonial area • Settlements of Chinese-since the Malacca Sultanate • On the post of independence of Malaya

4. Effect of Commercial Activity Against Chinese Peranakan Community Formation in Malacca

4.1. • Trade relation plays an important role in establishing and creating a new ethnicity that called the Chinese Peranakan. • Lack of Chinese women in Malacca causes the intermarriage between early Chinese merchants with local women. • The existence of the Chinese Peranakan was justified by places of worship of the Chinese in Malacca. • The Chinese Peranakan assimilated themselves with the local Malay community