Pink to sell is human

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Pink to sell is human da Mind Map: Pink to sell is human

1. Finding your frames

1.1. 1. He created the term “unique selling proposition” = the idea that any product of service in the marketplace has to specify what differentiates it from its competitors.

1.2. 2. He was the first ad men to produce television spots for American presidential campaign (ex: 1952 Eisenhower “I like Ike”)

1.3. 3. A story with a blind man.

1.3.1. adding 4 words: “It is springtime and I am blind”.

1.4. “the contrast principle”. We often understand something better when we see it in comparison with something else than when we see it in isolation.

2. creativity

2.1. Finding the right problem to solve

2.1.1. experiment with 2 tables

2.1.2. result : 1. The first group was trying to solve a problem: "How can I produce a good drawing?” They examined few objects, outlined their ideas and moved quickly to draw their still life 2. The second group was trying to find a problem: “What good drawing can I produce?” They took their time.

2.1.3. The experts estimated the problem finders’ works far more creative than the problem solvers’.

2.1.4. before salesman = solution of problems today me = solution because I have all information on Internet or other source

2.1.5. caveat venditor : what buyers can do for themselves

2.1.6. First, in the past, the best salespeople were adept at accessing information. Today they must be skilled at curating it and presenting to others the most relevant and clarifying pieces.

2.1.7. Second, in the past, the best salespeople were skilled at answering questions. Today, they must be good at asking questions.

3. 5 frames

3.1. 1. The less frame

3.1.1. instance with varieties of jam / Learn German

3.1.2. less choice = can help consumers to see those choices more clearly

3.2. 2. The experience frame

3.2.1. Social psychologists often categorize what we purchase by our intent.

3.3. 3. The label frame

3.3.1. instance of The prisoner’s Dilemma// Neat (=well-ordered) classroom

3.4. 4. The blemished frame

3.4.1. instance of Blemished Hiking boots (positive and negative details)

3.4.2. blemishing effect

3.5. 5. The potential frame

3.5.1. instance of Basketball // comedian

4. Introduction

4.1. In the book, Pink shows that a sale isn’t what it used to be.

4.2. The book is about persuading, convincing and influencing others.

5. retirement

5.1. when you give a choice between an immediate reward and a reward we have to wait for, we’ll often take the first one even when it’s in our interest to choose the latter.

5.2. experiment, half the participants saw a digital representation of themselves (an avatar) for about a minute through a headset and then had a conversation with a digital representation of a researcher. The other half also saw an avatar of themselves but at the age of seventy.

5.2.1. After that the participants had to allocate $1,000 among 4 options: - Use it to buy something nice for someone special - Invest it in a retirement fund - Plan a fun and extravagant occasion - Put it in a checking account

5.2.2. Those who saw image of their current selves (Me Now group) directed an average of $80 into the retirement account. Those who saw images of their future selves allocated more than twice the amount.

5.3. problem : disconnection between our present and future selves. We think of ourselves today and ourselves in the future as different people.

5.4. The third quality necessary in moving others today: clarity – the capacity to help people see their situations in fresh and more revealing ways and to identify problems they didn’t realize they had.

6. Finding an Off-ramp

6.1. instance of Food donation