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1. Technology is a part of our lives. It aids us in acquiring our needs.

1.1. Lightbulbs were created in order for us to see clearly in the dark.

1.2. Clocks were created in order for us to be able to tell the time.

1.3. Vehicles were invented in order for us to transport supplies and to get to places faster.

2. Technology stemmed from creativity. It came about when knowledge is applied in order to fulfill certain needs - the need to survive, the need to live longer, the need to learn, the need to discover, the need to connect with others, and many more. From the early tools used by our ancestors millions of years ago, to the advanced machineries that are present in our society, technology has been a major part of our lives. It will continue to grow and change as we discover new concepts and develop new ideas for different purposes.

3. I chose to impart my ideas with the use of a Mind Map as this artistic concept is very new to me. In fact, this is my first time doing so. Using a Mind Map gave me freedom to organize my thoughts regarding the topic of Technology in a way that showcases my creativity. Here, I have my initial thoughts, reflections based on 4 different sources, as well as an overall conclusion to the subject. In addition, I decided to connect Technology to Creativity as they go hand-in-hand.

4. "Microsoft 2014 Super Bowl Commercial: Empowering"

4.1. Technology has changed the way we live our lives. It has improved the way we communicate with each other, how we treat illnesses, as well as how we discover and learn new things.

5. "The History of Technology in Education"

5.1. Advancements in technology have affected the way we impart and learn new knowledge - from using chalkboards, to overhead projectors, to smart boards. As well, innovations in technology have allowed us to extend our education from traditional to virtual - while still keeping the interactive aspect of learning.

6. "Kevin Kelly Tells Technologies Epic Story"

6.1. In order to understand the importance technology, we must first imagine how our lives would be without it. Technology has helped us push the limits of our existence. With every new discovery and innovation, we have extended our lives further than before. In addition to that, technology has helped us understand the world we live in, as well as the what lies beyond the stars.

7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaOvHKG0Tio

8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFwWWsz_X9s

9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GS1xL1qcBa4&t=143s

10. "Defining the Word "Technology"... Four Times" by John Dyer

10.1. Technology is not just one thing, its many different things all together. First of, technology is something we create and use - like lightbulbs and laptops. As well, technology is capable of producing items itself, such as tools and devices (e.g. factories). Lastly, technology is an extension of ourselves. We use technology to improve our quality of life.

11. http://donteatthefruit.com/2009/12/defining-the-word-“technology”-…-four-times/