Savvy Sociogram by Ethan Hensyel, Mibs

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Savvy Sociogram by Ethan Hensyel, Mibs da Mind Map: Savvy Sociogram by Ethan Hensyel, Mibs

1. Fish

1.1. Savvy is controlling the weather.

1.2. 14 years old

2. Momma

2.1. Savvy is being perfect.

3. Poppa

3.1. Was in an accident

3.2. Is in Salina hospital

4. Samson

4.1. 7 year olds

4.2. Dark and Broody

4.3. Has a pet dead turtle that he thinks is hibernating

5. Grandpa Bomba

5.1. Savvy is stretching land

6. Lester Swan

6.1. Driving of delivery bus

7. Carlene

7.1. Tattoo on Lester

7.2. Tattooed in fancy letters on Lester's right arm

7.3. Above a black rose with thorns like nails

7.4. Talks to Mibs

8. Rhonda

8.1. Tattoo on Lester

8.2. Talks to Mibs

8.3. Tattooed on Lester's left arm

8.4. Above a red heart with the word mom inscribed in it

9. Grandma Dollop

9.1. Dead

10. Rocket

10.1. Savvy is electricity

10.2. 17 years old

11. Bobbi

11.1. Glitter eye shadow, right eyebrow pierced.

11.2. No savvy

11.3. 16 years old

11.4. Roberta is her real name, but only Miss Rosemary calls her that.

12. Will Jr.

12.1. Sweet on Mibs

13. Gypsy

13.1. 3 years old

14. Miss Rosemary

14.1. No savvy

14.2. Mom of Will Jr and Bobbi

14.3. Pastor's wife

15. Ashley Bing

15.1. Bullies Mips.

15.2. Calls Mips Missy- Pissy

15.3. Starts false rumors about her and her family

16. Emma Flint

16.1. Bullies Mips

16.2. Repeats the mean things Ashley says

17. Lill

18. Pastor Meeks

18.1. Dad of Will Jr and Bobbi

18.2. Miss Rosemary's husband

18.3. Yells at delivery man for bringing pink bibles

19. Personal Information

19.1. Savvy is hearing ink on people's skin

19.2. 13 years old