Savvy Sociogram by Maddie Weide: Mibs

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Savvy Sociogram by Maddie Weide: Mibs da Mind Map: Savvy Sociogram by Maddie Weide: Mibs

1. Samson

1.1. 7

1.2. Quiet/moody

2. Momma

2.1. Her savvy is being perfect, doing everything perfectly.

3. Poppa

3.1. Was in car accident

3.2. Currently being housed in Salina hospital

4. Grandpa Bomba

4.1. His savvy is moving land.

4.2. Still heartbroken over his wife's passing

5. Gypsy

5.1. 3

6. Miss Rosemary

6.1. Pastor Meek's wife

6.2. Bobbi and Will Jr.'s mother

6.3. Fills in for Momma when she leaves with Rocket to go see Poppa

7. Bobbi

8. Ms. Lill

8.1. 42

8.2. gets along with the kids in the bus

9. Lester

9.1. Bus driver

9.2. His mom and wife do not support him.

10. Mibs personal info

10.1. 13

10.2. Knows but won't admit what her savvy is.

11. Rocket

11.1. 17

11.2. His savvy is electricity.

12. Fish

12.1. 14

12.2. His savvy is controlling and creating weather.

13. Will Junior