Kurtz - Mibs Sociogram

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Kurtz - Mibs Sociogram da Mind Map: Kurtz - Mibs Sociogram

1. Samson

1.1. Mibs friend

1.1.1. dont have one he is shy and doesn't really like to talk

2. Gypsy

2.1. Mibs sister

2.1.1. dont have one she came up with a shorter name for Mibs

3. Bobbi Meeks

3.1. Mibs friend

3.1.1. dont have one he is a grouchy guy who does not want to be bothered.

4. Poppa

4.1. Dad

4.1.1. don't have one

4.2. he is baddly hurt

5. Momma

5.1. Mom

5.2. her talent is hurtfully

5.3. she takes care of mibs

6. Grandpa

6.1. Mibs grandpa

6.1.1. dont have one he is very emotionally

7. Will Junior

7.1. Mibs uncle

7.2. has the ability to change things

7.2.1. He was in the army when he retired

8. Miss Rosemary

8.1. Mibs aunt

8.1.1. to belive in things she is very kind

9. Lester

9.1. Mibs friend

9.1.1. has none he has a very hard job that to drive people around as the bus driver.

10. Officer bill meeks

10.1. Mibs security

10.1.1. has the ability to arrest people he is very secret about everything that he does.

11. Rocket

11.1. Mibs brother

11.2. His savvy is making everything electric

11.3. He is seventeen and full of junk that he does not have privileges.

12. Fish

12.1. Mibs brother

12.2. His savvy is creating weather

12.3. He is just a little older than Mibs