Online Gaming's Effect on the Attitude of the Youth

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Online Gaming's Effect on the Attitude of the Youth da Mind Map: Online Gaming's Effect on the Attitude of the Youth

1. Time Management on playing video games

1.1. how long do they play in a day?

1.2. from what time to what time do they spend their time playing video games?

1.3. how do they prioritize their other activities and goals?

2. Video game content

2.1. genre of game

2.2. level of violence

2.3. objective/ purpose of the game

3. Change and outlook of Attitude towards video game violence

3.1. define anger management

3.1.1. How are you going to observe?

3.1.2. How serious are the gamers at gameplay?

3.1.3. good or bad anger management?

3.1.4. gamer's outlook on violence

3.2. measuring gamer's attitude

4. Pros and Cons of video gaming

4.1. How does it influence the gamers?

4.2. what does it promote?

4.3. How do gamers interact with other gamers?

5. Budget

5.1. prepaid cards

5.2. internet cafe/ internet at home

5.3. purchasing new games