Research Notes Mind map

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Research Notes Mind map da Mind Map: Research Notes Mind map

1. Causes

2. Bibliography

3. What are the causes, consequences and solutions to high infant mortality rates in developing countries?

4. Gapminder (click on it to see it better)

5. Income and how it links to infant mortality

6. How can YOU help?

7. Which organizations help and how?

8. What do I already know?

8.1. Infant Mortality

8.2. Education

8.3. Healthcare

8.4. Action

9. Facts

9.1. Causes and Rates Facts

9.2. Income Connects with Infant Mortality (click on it to see it better)

9.3. Income Connects with Infant Mortality 2 (click on it to see it better)

10. Consequences

11. How would education help?

12. Solutions

13. How is the government helping?

14. Contents