Leadership and management

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Leadership and management da Mind Map: Leadership and management

1. management

1.1. Function

1.2. Organization and arrangement

1.2.1. Evaluation

1.2.2. budget

1.3. Planning

2. Role

2.1. Vision Strategic thinker

3. focus

3.1. Definition of purpose Set direction

4. Direction

4.1. Create a task statement

5. methodology

5.1. Assess strengths, needs and market

6. Style-tone

6.1. Inspiration people Enhanced commitment

7. out come

7.1. Reach longer-range goals and objectives

8. The five Leadership styles

8.1. (1) Innovative

8.1.1. (Design) Bringing new ideas and original solution to the market place

8.2. (2) Developer

8.2.1. (design and build) Taking action on original solution and learning along the way

8.3. (3) Activator

8.3.1. (build)Moving forward to achieve challenging goals

8.4. (4) maximizer

8.4.1. (build and maintain) Embracing the good of the bast while making new changes

8.5. (5) Stabilizer

8.5.1. (maintain) keeping things running smoothly and efficiently

9. Leadership

9.1. Relationship

9.2. Choose talent

9.2.1. Training

9.2.2. Building confidence

9.3. motivating

10. Role

10.1. enterprise builder-productivity expert

11. focus

11.1. nurture Organizational Structure - Establishment of systems and processes

12. Direction

12.1. deliver on the mission statement

13. methodology

13.1. Organizing teams - Plan budgets - Appointment schedules - Maintaining quality

14. Style-tone

14.1. Talent Development - Problem Solving

15. out come

15.1. Manage projects efficiently and efficiently

16. .