Classroom disruptions

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Classroom disruptions da Mind Map: Classroom disruptions

1. Lates

1.1. Must stay after class to catch up on physical activity that the rest of the class did during class

1.1.1. Burpies

1.1.2. Pushups

1.1.3. Running

2. Loud outbursts

2.1. Jokes

2.2. warnings

2.3. Class expulsion

2.4. Talked to after class if something might be wrong

3. Phone usage

3.1. Phone being taken away

3.1.1. First time will be taken away and given back at the end of the class period

3.1.2. Second time will be sent to the office and the student can pick it up at the end of the day

3.1.3. Third time the phone will be taken to an administrator and there will be a phone call home

4. Not handing in an assignment

4.1. First time

4.1.1. No penalty

4.2. Second offence

4.2.1. 10% deduction

4.3. Third Offence

4.3.1. 20% deduction

4.4. Offences further

4.4.1. 30% deduction and a phone call home

5. Swearing

5.1. Directional

5.1.1. will be taken out of class talked to and if it keeps up student will be taken to office to talk to administration and there will be a call home

5.2. Not directional

5.2.1. Warning and if it keeps they will be talked to after the class period

6. Fighting

6.1. Both students will be separated and will be talked to and if the violence occurs again they will both be taken to talk to a principal