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WWII Mindmap da Mind Map: WWII Mindmap

1. Major Battles/Events

1.1. Pearl Harbor

1.1.1. December 7, 1941

1.1.2. Japanese fighters destroy US Naval Fleet

1.1.3. Next day FDR declares war on Japan

1.2. D-Day

1.2.1. June 6, 1944

1.2.2. Stopped Germany from running troops to France

1.2.3. One of the largest amphibious assault in history

1.2.4. Normandy shore line

1.3. Battle of Stalingrad

1.3.1. One of the bloodiest battles in history

1.3.2. July 17, 1942-Feb. 2, 1943

1.3.3. Successful Soviet defense of Stalingrad

1.3.4. Vital industrial and transportation center

2. World Leaders

2.1. Britain

2.1.1. Winston Churchill

2.2. United States

2.2.1. FDR

2.2.2. Harry Truman

2.3. Italy

2.3.1. Benito Mussolini

2.4. Japan

2.4.1. Hideki Tojo

2.5. China

2.5.1. Mao Zedong

2.6. Russia

2.6.1. Joseph Stalin

3. Causes

3.1. Italian facism in the 1920s

3.2. Japanese militarism and expansionism

3.2.1. Lead by Hideki Tojo

3.3. Political takeover by Hitler

3.3.1. German invasion of Poland Britain and France declare war on Germany

4. Outcomes

4.1. Over 60 million people killed

4.2. Nuremburg Trials to punish war criminals

4.2.1. People behind the Holocaust executed

4.3. War's direct cost estimated at $4 trillion

4.4. Millions of homes destroyed, many people displaced