Social Studies Unit 4

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Social Studies Unit 4 da Mind Map: Social Studies Unit 4

1. Wants

1.1. Things we may like to have

1.1.1. toys

1.1.2. name brand clothes

1.1.3. video games

2. Goods

2.1. Items we can buy or trade for

2.1.1. food

2.1.2. clothing

2.1.3. toys

3. Services

3.1. paying others to do a task

3.1.1. hair stylist

3.1.2. nail tech

3.1.3. builder

3.1.4. doctor

4. Needs

4.1. What we must have to survive

4.1.1. air

4.1.2. food

4.1.3. shelter

4.1.4. clothing

4.1.5. water