The history of Trucks

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The history of Trucks da Mind Map: The history of Trucks

1. about Alexander Winton

1.1. was born in Grandemouth,Scotland

1.2. he worked with delameter iron for three years

1.3. for two years thereafter as a marine engineer on ocean vessels

2. the early history of trucks

2.1. the first truck was made in 1898

2.2. the first truck costed $1.29

2.3. Alexander Winton

3. the beginning of trucks

3.1. the first truck was made in cleveland

3.2. the first truck was a semi-truck

3.3. Alexander made a semi-truck to drive regular cars to the destination

4. the beginning of truck

4.1. they build the semi to carry cars

4.2. the first semi didn't last long

4.3. every company wanted a semi