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5th Grade da Mind Map: 5th Grade

1. Social Studies

1.1. In social studies we are learning about economics and supply and demand.

1.2. My favorite thing we learned about in social studies is the native Americans.

2. Science

2.1. In science we are doing a big end of the year project and I'm doing the project with fish and what type of food suits fish the best.

2.2. Before the project we were learning about space and what's going to happen to the sun in 4.5 billion years.

3. Math

3.1. In math we are working on doing problems with variables.

3.2. In math my favorite thing to do is math problems with exponents.

4. Reading

4.1. In reading we are learning about text structures and what text structures are.

4.2. In reading we have vocab words and each cycle of vocab words we have to take a regular vocab test and an analogy test

5. Digital Skills

5.1. In digital skills we are making a mindmap on mindmeister.

5.2. In digital skills we learned about keyboard shortcuts.

6. Phy Ed

6.1. My favorite thing in gym is basketball.

6.2. In gym we always do a workout before we do the activity.