Mobile Phones Cause Health Issues

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Mobile Phones Cause Health Issues da Mind Map: Mobile Phones Cause Health Issues

1. Mobile phones cause physical health issues.

1.1. Mobile phones adversely affects the quality of semen.

1.1.1. There was no evidence for a relationship between mobile phone use and semen quality.

1.1.2. Over the past several years, our laboratories have shown that exposure of sperms to different sources of electromagnetic fields adversely affects the quality of semen.

1.2. Mobile phone radiation could cause brain tumor.

1.2.1. No increased risk of brain tumor in the past 15 years. Lougran, Sarah P., et al 2016, p. 2 (saved in GDrive)

1.2.2. Mobile phone radiation is classified to non-ionizing radiation Lougran, Sarah P., et al 2016, p. 2 (saved in GDrive)

1.2.3. However ...

1.3. Prospective associations were found between text messaging on mobile phones and musculoskeletal disorders. The results imply mostly short-term effects, and to a lesser extent, long-term effects on musculoskeletal disorders in neck and upper extremities.


1.4. (?) Effects on sight and hearing

1.5. (?) Effects on hormones

1.6. (?) Leukimia

1.7. (?) Effects on fetus

1.8. Accidents because of using mobile phones while driving (?)

1.8.1. Among drivers of all ages, cell phone use when driving is high.

2. Mobile phones cause mental health issues.

2.1. 1

2.2. 2

2.3. 3