What happens to your body when you take medicine?

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What happens to your body when you take medicine? da Mind Map: What happens to your body when you take medicine?

1. 2. Small Intestine

1.1. Goes through the small intestine

1.1.1. 3. Across intestinal wall 4. Into network of blood vessels - Blood vessels feed into a vein, then carried the blood (and anything in it) to the liver

2. 6. For the most part the medicine has made it to the liver, then continues out the liver, veins, into body's circulatory system

3. 7. The medicine has gone throughout the circulatory blood stream

3.1. -blood travels through every limb and organ ( heart, brain, kidneys, liver)

4. 8. The medicine bind to the specific target molecules

4.1. -medicine blocks the production of compounds

5. 1. Digestive System

5.1. -tablet disenigrates in the acidic fluids

6. 5.Blood and the drug molecules travel through the liver blood vessels

6.1. - enzymes try to react to the medicine to neutralize them

7. 9. It accumulates to a maximum within 1-2 hours

8. 10. Elimination of the drug/medicine

8.1. -medicine molecules detach from targets, into the liver, then filtered out by the kidneys in the urine