Formative Assessment Tools

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Formative Assessment Tools da Mind Map: Formative Assessment Tools

1. Quiz and Poll

1.1. Kahoot

1.1.1. Text book p. 55-60

1.1.2. Joseph Conrad "Heart of Darkness"

1.2. Google Forms

1.3. MentiMeter

1.4. Plickers

1.5. Poll Everywhere

1.6. Quizizz

1.7. The Answer Pad (TAP)

2. Categorize

2.1. Mindomo

2.2. Coggle

2.3. Mindmeister


2.5. Mindly

3. Presentation/Communication

3.1. Classkick

3.2. Go Formative

3.3. Padlet

3.4. Snagit

3.5. Jing

3.6. Sketchboard

3.7. Flipgrid

3.8. ShowMe Interactive