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Business Collocations da Mind Map: Business Collocations

1. Collocations with Make

1.1. make an appointment

1.2. make an attempt

1.3. make a change

1.4. make a choice

1.5. make a comparison

1.6. make a complaint

1.7. make a connection

1.8. make a decision

1.9. make a demand

1.10. make a difference

1.11. make an effort

1.12. make ends meet

1.13. make an exception

2. Collocations with Do

2.1. do business

2.2. do a crime

2.3. do damage

2.4. do an experiment

2.5. do a favor

2.6. do good/bad

2.7. do harm

2.8. do research

2.9. do right/wrong

3. Collocations with Take

3.1. take advantage

3.2. take a course

3.3. take notes

3.4. take action

3.5. take a break

3.6. take a decision

4. Collocations with Get

4.1. get a job

4.2. get a certification

4.3. get angry

4.4. get better/worse

4.5. get excited

4.6. get going

4.7. get the message

4.8. get motivated

5. Collocations with Prepositions

5.1. accused of

5.2. adapt to

5.3. agree on something

5.4. agree with someone

5.5. apply for

5.6. approve of

5.7. argue about something

5.8. argue with someone

5.9. aware of

5.10. believe in

5.11. blame for

5.12. by accident

5.13. by mistake

5.14. cause of

6. Collocations with on

6.1. ban on something

6.2. blame something on someone

6.3. decide on

6.4. depends on

6.5. focus on

6.6. on a committee

6.7. on a list

6.8. on a plane/bus/train

6.9. on a team

6.10. on average

6.11. on call

6.12. on display

7. Noun-Noun Collocations

7.1. advertising agency

7.2. advertising campaign

7.3. age discrimination

7.4. balance sheet

7.5. bank loan

7.6. benefits package

7.7. brand awareness

7.8. brand identity

7.9. brand name

7.10. brand recognition

7.11. budget increase

7.12. budget reduction

7.13. budget surplus

8. Verb-Noun Collocations

8.1. accept an apology

8.2. accept a job

8.3. accept a meeting request

8.4. accept an offer

8.5. accept a position

8.6. accept responsibility

8.7. admit fault

8.8. admit a mistake

8.9. apply pressure

8.10. attract investors

8.11. boost confidence

8.12. borrow money

8.13. break a law

8.14. break into a market

9. Collocations with Have

9.1. have an appointment

9.2. have an argument

9.3. have a conversation

9.4. have a meeting

9.5. have problems

9.6. have a talk

9.7. have time

9.8. have trouble

9.9. have coffee/tea

10. Collocations with Go

10.1. go ahead

10.2. go bankrupt

10.3. go forward

10.4. go home

10.5. go out of business

10.6. go to work

10.7. go well

11. Collocations with in

11.1. believe in

11.2. in a car/taxi

11.3. in a fight/argument

11.4. in a group

11.5. in advance

11.6. in charge

11.7. in conclusion

11.8. in control

11.9. in denial

11.10. in depth

11.11. in detail

12. Adjective-Noun Collocations

12.1. big break

12.2. big chance

12.3. big decision

12.4. big disappointment

12.5. big improvement

12.6. big mistake

12.7. big surprise

12.8. bright future

12.9. competitive advantage

12.10. daily commute

12.11. daily routine

12.12. deep thought

12.13. deep trouble

12.14. false advertising

12.15. friendly reminder