ADDIE Emotion based Teaching

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ADDIE Emotion based Teaching da Mind Map: ADDIE                      Emotion based Teaching

1. Development

1.1. Topic outline

1.2. Youtube tutorials to offer examples

1.3. Test to review section

1.4. Downloadable PDFs in each section

1.5. Q&A Interaction

1.6. Create a sharing network to exchange ideas and difficulties

1.7. 50% of overall score to lesson plan adaption

1.8. Create exercises and e-learning materials

2. Implementation

2.1. Evaluate how effective the program is

2.2. Test if materials are clear

2.3. Make sure technology works

3. Evaluation

3.1. Evaluate if objectives were met

3.2. Check if teaching materials were understood

3.3. Keep a constant check on questions related to the course in teh Q&A section

3.4. Provide a survey at the end of the course

4. Analyze

4.1. Who?

4.1.1. existing teachers

4.1.2. new teachers

4.1.3. teachers struggling to connect with students

4.1.4. wannabe teachers

4.1.5. teachers who've lost their passion

4.2. What?

4.2.1. How to inspire students

4.2.2. How to create excitement and interest

4.2.3. Give tools on how to teach with emotion

4.2.4. How to connect with your students

4.3. How?

4.3.1. online curriculum with videos

4.3.2. on the job teacher training

5. Design

5.1. How emotion can help student's memory

5.1.1. Emotion + attention = learning

5.1.2. Make sure students don't feel threatened

5.1.3. Use light humor

5.1.4. Different strategies to enhance learning

5.2. The brain is social and requires interaction

5.2.1. The importance of group exercises

5.2.2. Create regular social interaction

5.3. Practice is critical to learning

5.3.1. Regular checks of students' understanding

5.3.2. Follow up questions brings confidence

5.4. How to interact with students

5.4.1. Treat students with respect

5.4.2. Be clear of your expectations

5.4.3. Make tasks verbal & written

5.4.4. It's ok to not have the answer - be honest

5.4.5. Be fair

5.5. How to deliver your class in an inspiring way

5.5.1. Use visuals & graphics

5.5.2. Storytelling - speak from experience or give interesting examples

5.5.3. Think, pair & share

5.5.4. Get students to do hands-on tasks

5.5.5. Create mnemonics to help the memory

5.5.6. Allow students time to think before you ask questions

5.5.7. Don't be afraid to use music/rhyme/rhythm

5.6. Assessment

5.6.1. Feedback from teacher's students

5.6.2. Create a lesson plan based on your existing curriculum to enhance interest

5.7. Delivery

5.7.1. Video tutorials

5.7.2. Online curriculum

5.7.3. Written examples

5.7.4. Online discussion