ADDIE Model for Instruction

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ADDIE Model for Instruction da Mind Map: ADDIE Model for Instruction

1. Reference: Kellar's Motivational Instructional Model

2. Outputs: Teacher Training, Comments, Student and Teacher Feedback

3. Outputs: Script, Exercises, Activities, Technology Instruction, Assessments/Evaluations, Storyboard

4. Reference: SMEs, Mayer, Cognitive Load Theory, Retention

5. Outputs: Learning Objectives, Instructional Strategy Instruction Plan, Course Outline

6. Reference: Learning Theories, Gange's Levels of Learning, Bloom's Taxonomy

7. Outputs: Learner Profile, Needs Assessment, Problem Statement, List of Constraints, Task List

8. :Reference: Knowles Adult Learner

9. Implementation

9.1. Train Instructor

9.2. Prepare the Learners

9.3. Arrange Learning Space

10. Analysis

10.1. Instructional Goals

10.2. Instructional Analysis

10.3. Learner Analysis

10.4. Learning Objectives

11. Design

11.1. Design Assessment

11.2. Course Format

11.3. Instructional Strategy

12. Development

12.1. Sample Creation

12.2. Develop Course Content

12.3. Conduct RunThrough

13. Reference: Kirkpatrick's Model

14. Outputs: Recommendations, Project Report, Revised Prototype

15. Evaluation

15.1. Formative

15.2. Summative