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Decide da Mind Map: Decide

1. Explore the Alternatives: You could inform a teacher/adult about what the group is saying. You could agree with what the group is saying. You can confront the group right then and there.

1.1. Physics

1.1.1. Research and prepare experiment

2. Define the Problem: Your group of friends are gossiping about the new kid , who is also your friend, and you don't know what to do.

2.1. Spanish

2.1.1. New vocabulary

3. Consider the Consequences: If you inform a teacher/adult or if you confront your friends, they might gossip about you. If you agree with the group you could get in trouble or the new kid won't be your friend.

3.1. Spanish

3.1.1. Midterm

4. Evaluate the Results: I think that telling an adult/teacher is the option that keeps more people happy and the most positive decision. I also think that it takes most of the drama out of the situation and it lets the more experinced people handle it.

5. Identify Your Values: I think that the options that go with my character are telling a teacher/adult and confronting the group, because lying to save my friends, while hurting other people isn't who I am.

5.1. English

5.1.1. Text book p. 55-60

5.1.2. Joseph Conrad "Heart of Darkness"

6. Decide and Act: I would inform a teacher/adult about what happened, because I think they could handle the situation better then I could. I also think if I confronted the group, that would cause even more drama.

6.1. Maths

6.1.1. Text book, exercises 34, 35, 36, 37