Web Site Development Constraints


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Web Site Development Constraints da Mind Map: Web Site Development Constraints

1. colour palette

1.1. it is important to bear in mind that colors will look different on different systems depending on the number of colors in the color palette , do not dither , dither is a way of creating the impression that certain colors are present when actually they are not.

2. browser compatibility and restrictions

2.1. web sites and web elements. the best way to deal with cross-browser compatibility issues is to design web sites using the right tools and HTML based on standards-compliant codes.

3. font availability

3.1. be aware that certain fonts that you have on your computer may not be available on visitors computers

4. bandwidth constraints

4.1. is the amount of data which is able to travel in one second between the computer here your web site is located

5. screen resolution

5.1. resolution is the measure of the number of pixels that your screen is set to display

6. font size

6.1. take into account that while most browsers allow users to customize their default font size , individual user size settings may change the font size used in the design your web sites