Scientific Video

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Scientific Video da Mind Map: Scientific Video

1. Learning objectives/goals

1.1. Competence box

1.2. Description of target group

1.3. Level

1.4. Didactic context

2. Prior knowledge

2.1. Test your knowledge

2.1.1. Socrative

2.1.2. Hot Potatoes

2.2. Competence Box / Test your knowledge

2.2.1. Checkli

3. Evaluation

3.1. Evaluation of unit

3.1.1. Mentimeter

3.2. Quiz, multiple choice, etc

3.2.1. Socrative (pro)

3.2.2. Hot Potatoes

3.2.3. Quizlet

4. Additional resources

4.1. Video

4.1.1. ScreencastO´matic (Pro)

4.1.2. Screencastify

4.2. Bookmarks / tag lists / collection tools

4.2.1. Pinterest

4.2.2. Tumblr

4.2.3. diigo (Pro BUT free edition with quite enough characteristics)

5. Processing media and comprehension with integrated tools

5.1. Interactive tools

5.1.1. PlayPosit / Educanon

5.1.2. Vialogues

5.1.3. vibby

5.1.4. vucdigital

5.1.5. Vizia

5.1.6. h5p Can be integrated with MOODLE

5.1.7. EdPuzzle Very good tool

6. Work with scientific videos

6.1. Explanatory sheets

6.1.1. Google docx

6.1.2. Drop Box

6.2. Video repositories

6.2.1. Youtube

6.2.2. Vimeo

6.2.3. Teacher Tube

6.3. Take notes

6.3.1. Cornell notes Strategy

6.3.2. Evernote (pro)

6.3.3. Google docs

6.3.4. Post-it

6.4. Produce glossary

6.4.1. Wordle

6.4.2. Professor Word

6.4.3. Rewordify

6.4.4. Wordsmyth

6.5. Quiz, multiple choice, etc

6.5.1. Socrative (pro)

6.5.2. Hot Potatoes

6.5.3. Quizlet

6.6. Links

6.7. Produce text

6.7.1. Notes

6.7.2. Report

6.7.3. Diagrams

6.8. Explanatory video

6.9. Making predictions/hypothesis

7. Collaboration

7.1. Forum - commenting

7.1.1. TodaysMeet

7.1.2. Flowdoc

7.1.3. Edmodo

7.2. Collaboration File

7.2.1. TitanPad

7.2.2. Dropbox

7.3. Blogs/Wiki's

7.3.1. WordPress

7.3.2. Edublogs

7.3.3. Blogger

7.3.4. Wikipedia

7.4. Online analysing

7.5. Forum discussions - find an expert