River Civilizations- Seven Aspects Of Civilizations

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River Civilizations- Seven Aspects Of Civilizations da Mind Map: River Civilizations- Seven Aspects Of Civilizations

1. Government And Leaders

1.1. Shang/Zhou

1.1.1. During the Shang period china was ruled by a strong monarchy

1.1.2. Had 30 emperors in the span of the shang existing

1.1.3. The king appointed governors to keep distant parts of china in order

1.1.4. when the Zhou conquered the Shang They instated the mandate of heaven which stated that gods would support a just ruler, but they wouldn't allow a corrupt to hold power

1.2. Sumerians

1.2.1. They had a city state. Which is a political unit with its own Government in the middle.

1.2.2. Priest were at a very high status.

1.2.3. War chiefs began to develop as kings as war became more common.

1.2.4. Dynasty's began to form. When many members from a family rule.

2. Economy and Trade

2.1. Shang/Zhou

2.1.1. The Zhou economy was based on iron which they used for tools and armour at war

2.1.2. The shang was based off of bronze making things like decorative vessels and objects

2.1.3. The shang dynasty traded bronze vessels, sheep, and cattle.

2.1.4. The Zhou created roads and canals that lead to a trade increase because it was easier to get places and transport goods

2.2. Sumerians

2.2.1. Many materials from their trade were used in the making of buildings.

2.2.2. They exchanged woven textiles for metals, stone, and even timbers.

2.2.3. The men were expected to m make the money while the women stayed home.

2.2.4. More than anything else, the Sumerians relied heavily on trade. Without trade, their economy would crumble.

3. Social Structure and Family Life

3.1. Shang/Zhou

3.1.1. The shang dynasty had 4 main groups, The king, the military, artisans and peasants

3.1.2. If a son wasn't born the born girls would be sold into slavery.

3.1.3. In the Zhou dynasty the king was the highest ranking

3.1.4. Farming was required from all families in order to bring in money for the economy/.

3.2. Sumerians

3.2.1. Both the men and the women developed very important roles, essential for surviving. They had equal jobs in society just different tasks.

3.2.2. Men had political power while Woman cared for the children at home.

3.2.3. exceptionsIn temples were exeptions, when men had power, ladies would serve as priestesses.

3.2.4. Sumerians Social structure was very precise. The order was kings, priest and their agents. Landowners and merchants. The lowest of them all were most Sumerians. Even below them were the slaves.

4. Art and Education

4.1. Shang/Zhou

4.1.1. Developed stories out of images carved into oracle bones

4.1.2. Created bronze vessels and objects used tin religious rituals

4.1.3. Formed a calendar using the phases of the moon

4.1.4. Created ornaments out of ceramic materials

4.2. Sumerians

4.2.1. They developed a math system based on the number 60.

4.2.2. They invented the wheel to make pottery and vehicles.

4.2.3. Cylinder seals were used for art and to sign documents and show ownership.

4.2.4. They were the first to even preform basic surgery.

5. Religion

5.1. Shang/Zhou

5.1.1. Daoism focuses on improving society it encourages people to retreat from the laws of society and yield to the laws of nature

5.1.2. They offered gifts to their deceased ancestors in order to keep them happy and fulfilled in the afterlife Confucianism is based on the teachings of a scholar named Kongfuzi. He thought that rulers should treat their subjects fairly.

5.1.3. The new philosophies they used were Confucianism and Daosim

5.1.4. They created temples to honor their gods

5.2. Sumerian

5.2.1. Religion was the shape of life in all of the city states.

5.2.2. They believed natural forces were controlled by many gods.

5.2.3. They also believed the gods were just like them as far as everyday behaviors like eating and feeling good or bad.

5.2.4. They worked very hard to please the gods by appointing priest to run the masses.

6. Science and Tecnology

6.1. Shang/Zhou

6.1.1. The Shang developed highly decorative bronze vessels which were used in rituals

6.1.2. The Zhou learned how to develop iron which turned into the back bone of their economy.

6.1.3. With iron being made the people of the zhou were able to build new roads and canals for better transportation

6.1.4. They developed a coin system for china and began the use of chopsticks.

6.2. Sumerians

6.2.1. They learned how to do Geometry to apply to life.

6.2.2. Thye used bronze to make stronger tools and weapons.

6.2.3. Sewers were first built by them.

6.2.4. They collected and cataloged medical information.

7. Geography and Agriculture

7.1. Sumerians

7.1.1. The Fertile Crecent was a massive advantage.

7.1.2. It was a flat and swampy region that was good for farming.

7.1.3. Increased food and resources led to population growth and growth in tools and technology.

7.1.4. They used tools to dig and control water.

7.2. Shang/Zhou

7.2.1. The two dynasties were located in a portion of present day Asia

7.2.2. With the development of new tools the Shang and Zhou let them create canals to move water quicker and water their crops

7.2.3. most people made their money by growing crops in the large fields

7.2.4. The yellow river and the huanghe river valley were both located tin the territory of the Shang and Zhou