What are the most effective ways to improve young people`s self-esteem?

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What are the most effective ways to improve young people`s self-esteem? da Mind Map: What are the most effective ways to improve young people`s  self-esteem?

1. Cultural

1.1. Miss Sokoloff teaches how to improve self-esteem from kindergarten. Also she teaches more traditional skills to prepare students for kindergarten, such as following instructions and recognizing shapes. And class activities draw from various cultures

2. Blue

3. Science and Technology

3.1. The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) is developed by Rosenberg. It is a 10-item instrument that assesses global self-esteem.

3.2. Marciano and Kazdin (1994) found a negative relationship between self-esteem and depression among children between the ages of 6 and 13

4. Ethical

4.1. Every person has the right to life beyond the standards

5. Ethical

5.1. It is right that people should from an early age learn to love themselfes

6. pink

7. Economical

7.1. Miss Sokoloff, who has won numerous grants and awards during more than 20 years teaching kindergarten and prekindergarten, said it does not require much money.