requirements of a technical document

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requirements of a technical document da Mind Map: requirements of a technical document

1. Documentation Standards - (ISO 9000)

2. Policies on Document control, storage, distribution, revision and sign off

3. includes an Aim, end results, Parameters, resources and exclusions

4. Structured into 3 parts - Front matter - Title, copyright statements, document revision, table of contents, prefaces

5. body matter - content broken down into chapters of topics

6. end matter - appendixes, glossary

7. A style guide is a document with rules and recommendations to be followed when producing a document. Style guides help ensure consistency in presentation

8. A template provides a model or a pattern for creating documents that meet the style guide recommendations

9. Structural integrity - the placement and integrity of any key features or elements

10. Technical documents help people to build, operate, repair or maintain equipment and systems

11. Technical documents help people to understand complex technologies, events or practices

12. Technical documents help people to share new technical ideas with others, to introduce new products, new ways of doing things and new ways of understanding things

13. Technical documents provide records of events that have a technical element to them

14. can include properties, methods, events and controls for products or systems

15. technical reviewer or review team identifies deviations from specifications and standards, identifies errors and might examine alternative solutions

16. met the client's requirements and the scope of work

17. Approval and sign-off is the end point that helps guarantee all the prior stages of quality control have been met