Types of Corporate Social Responsibility Programs

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Types of Corporate Social Responsibility Programs da Mind Map: Types of Corporate Social Responsibility Programs

1. Focus on fair treatment of employees

2. Environmental

2.1. Carbon footprint

2.2. Looking at ways that operations can be more sustainable overall for the environment

3. Ethical

4. Philanthropic

4.1. Corporate Philanthropy

4.1.1. A corporation making a direct contribution to a charity or cause, most often in the form of cash grants, donations, and/or in-kind services

4.2. Cause Promotion

4.2.1. Leveraging corporate funds, in-kind contributions, or other resources to increase awareness and concern about a social cause or to support fundraising, participation, or volunteer recruitment for a cause.

4.3. Cause-Related Marketing

4.4. Corporate Social Marketing

4.4.1. Links monetary or in-kind donations to product sales or other consumer action eg establishing specific promotional offers, developing co-branded advertisements

4.4.2. Use of business resources to develop and/or implement a behaviour change campaign intended to improve public healthy, safety, the environment, or community well-being.

4.5. Employee Engagement

4.5.1. Support and encourage employees to engage with nonprofit organisations and causes. eg employees volunteering their expertise, talents, ideas and/or physical labour.

4.6. Socially Responsible Business Practices

4.6.1. Discretionary business practices that a corporation adopts and conducts to support social causes, to improve community well-being, and/or to protect the environment.