Christopher Murphy's Map of Choices

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Christopher Murphy's Map of Choices da Mind Map: Christopher Murphy's Map of Choices

1. Could lead to failure and lots of money lost

2. stressful

3. Be your own boss

4. Feel good to be successful

5. Hard to achieve

6. possible good salary

7. Father would aprove

8. Very interested in business

9. Good local reputation

10. Helping and saving people

11. Hard to achieve

12. Very stressful

13. Lots of work

14. Good pay

15. Mother would aprove

16. Runs in family

17. Father would not aproove

18. Rewarding

19. Not best pay

20. Lots of holidays

21. I would love to coach the soccer team of the school

22. I am very good in front of a crowd

23. Work with people

24. Teacher

25. Doctor

26. Business man

27. Go down in history

28. Very hard to achieve

29. Very stressful

30. Make crucial decisions

31. very well paying

32. Make family very proud

33. Very good reputation

34. Mother would not aproove

35. Father would aproove

36. Hard to keep a family as you are always traveling

37. Hard if canadien

38. A lot of practice and competition

39. -Travel the world

40. -Dream job

41. -Pays very well

42. -I have a passion for soccer

43. Professional soccer player

44. Future prime minister of Canada