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ME da Mind Map: ME

1. Hobbies!

1.1. Writing!

1.1.1. Was publicated in several journals

1.1.2. Wrote my first book at the age of 7

1.1.3. Studied Creative Writing in Oleg Shvets' Workshop

1.1.4. Studied phylology in the HSE

1.2. Filming!

1.2.1. First film camp at the age of 11

1.2.2. 5 short films directed

1.2.3. Even participated in the experimental project as a plastic actor

1.2.4. Dreaming about studying the art of filming in the future

1.3. Reading!

1.3.1. Fiction Most important books: "Roadside picnic", "Monday starts on Saturday", "100 years of loneliness", "Cat's cradle", "The Moomins", "Gone with the wind"

1.3.2. Non-fiction I'm a fan of the "Shredinger's cat" journal, the articles of Yuri Lotman, "The cinematografy between hell and heaven" by Mitta

1.3.3. Poetry As Brodsky said, "Let the poetry became your addiction"... Favorite poets: Mandelstam, Pasternak, Jacques Prevert, Brodsky, Tsvetaeva, Dolgareva, Dana Sideros.

1.4. Traveling!

1.4.1. First country that I've visited in my life was France. 15 years later, I feel related to french culture, literature, history, sights etc. I'm proud that I know this language, and I totally admire French people.

1.4.2. When I visit any place for the first time, I firstly go for a walk for 3-4 hours. I gained a lot from this habit.

1.5. CGK! (and other stuff)

1.5.1. Started playing on my 8th school year

1.5.2. Developed my logic, critical thinking, abstract thinking and erudition enormously

1.5.3. I'm also passionate about cryptography & linguistics problems solving.

2. Sports!

2.1. Horse-riding

2.1.1. Built my stamina

2.2. Wall-climbing

2.2.1. Learned not to give up to the very end

2.3. Yoga

2.3.1. Helped me to find the garmony inside me

3. Some general info!

3.1. I'm female

3.2. 15 years old

3.3. Was born and live in Moscow

3.4. Family consists of 6 incredible people

3.4.1. MOM (Svetlana)

3.4.2. DAD (Alexey)

3.4.3. Sister n1 (Kristina) works @Finance team Disney in Moscow

3.4.4. Sister n2 (Tatiana) works as a chellist in London

3.4.5. Brother n1 (Sergey)

3.4.6. WHAT'S THE ROLE OF FAMILY?? fills me with love and care supports me in all of my ideas is always an example for me knows me best

3.5. I'm 75% Russian & 25% Ukrainian

3.6. My family is Russian orthodox

3.6.1. I consider myself as areligious

4. School!

4.1. Favorite subjects always were history and literature

4.2. Gave me 'the ground', all the basic knowledge

4.3. In childhood I was talented in languages

4.3.1. Speak French and English nearly fluently

4.4. Not so good in maths

4.4.1. That's why 2 years ago my sister sent me to the math-camp, which turned out to be the best camp in the world The camp is founded by Russian arts&science intellectuals, who taught me (much more than maths) life

4.5. Was also singing/dancing/acting/playing piano on all school performances

4.6. Learned how to make friends

4.7. I've changed 3 schools

4.7.1. Know how to adapt to changes of conditions and people