Problem-Solution Analysis - Fyre Festival

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Problem-Solution Analysis - Fyre Festival da Mind Map: Problem-Solution Analysis - Fyre Festival

1. Problem

1.1. In Spanish we have a saying which is "Te vendio humo". This means that they fooled you, they lied to you, they gave you or told you something that wasn't real that probably pulled your hopes up. This is what happened with the Fyre Festival. They had a complete line-up, they had a place, they had a date, and they had the idea already organized; the only thing is that the idea wasn't actually put in to work.

2. Thesis Statement:

2.1. The organizers, need to take responsibility from their actions and acknowledge they did not due a good job ;the organizers should payback in any way possible the festival goers.

3. Topic:

3.1. How to solve and prevent what happened in the Fyre Festival. How should the organizers payback the festival goers, and how to prevent this from happening again?

4. Conclusion:

4.1. The organizers, should pay the festival goers either by: giving back the money or by paying them through flights, hotels, food or any other kind of goods.

4.2. Also, if the organization decides to create another festival, they must follow these criterias:

4.2.1. 1. should be planned at least 1 year in advance.

4.2.2. 2. It should start as a small concert, in a good city, with good artists, after getting it's fame they can make the festival grow more and more.

5. Solution #1

5.1. Organization

5.1.1. Organizers need to have an idea of how, when, where, who'll play in the event and how much is the event going to cost, calculate expenses, and make sure that the festival is possibel. treatment, payback

5.2. Time Management

5.2.1. Festival organization should start at least 1 year prior to the main event date. Organizers should know how to maintain the attendance.

6. Solution #2

6.1. Reliability

6.1.1. People should actually made research on the event. Find out the line-up, how to get to the island, what the island offers, and the organizations history Although the Burning Man is a very exclusive and well-known festival located in the middle of nowhere, it has a lot of prestige and fame, that has been built through the years.

7. Solution #3

7.1. Money/planning

7.1.1. My father has always told me to have money with me, for any kind of emergency. This was one thing people didn't thought about.

8. Sources:

8.1. Fyre Festival: how the disaster unfolded and why Bahamas officials have the site on lockdown


8.3. Fyre Festival Head Billy McFarland: 'We Were a Little Naive'