Social Media Impact ( KARLA )

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Social Media Impact ( KARLA ) da Mind Map: Social Media Impact ( KARLA )

1. Self Esteem

1.1. There is such thing as Social Media Kings and Queens, they affect whats in, whats not in. They are the trendsetters. They are looked up to from different ages. Which can be a problem.

1.1.1. Kylie (@kyliejenner) • Instagram photos and videos People like Kylie Jenner if girls false image of how they need to look. Kylie Jenner is a beautiful! Many people look up to her and want to be her, to these people perfection is plummed lips and everything big!!

1.1.2. Kylie Jenner on Twitter

1.2. Careful of puncutation errors

2. Distracting

2.1. Social Media can cause distractions

2.1.1. Snapchat - The fastest way to share a moment! Personally, whenever I am trying to study for a test, do homework or simply have friend/family time i get distracted by my phone. Apps like snapchat, instagram, and facebook have user activity every second of the day. Don't apps allow you ways to mitigate the distractions such as allowing you to turn off notifications? -Ben

3. Addiction

3.1. Using your phone on family/friend outings...

3.2. first thing you do when you wake up is check your phone

3.2.1. How to Tell If You Have a Social Networking Addiction Researchers at Chicago University concluded that social media addiction can be stronger than addiction to cigarettes and booze following an experiment in which they recorded the cravings of several hundred people for several weeks. Media cravings ranked ahead of cravings for cigarettes and alcohol. (Walker)

4. Cyberbullying

4.1. the impact

4.1.1. Bullying Statistics and Information | American SPCC June 2014: Nationwide, 14.8% of students report being cyberbullied 3, including being bullied through e-mail, chat rooms, instant messaging, websites, or texting. (YRBS)

5. Lack of privacy

5.1. Our Whole Lives are on the internet

5.1.1. We Want Privacy, but Can’t Stop Sharing The problem is that if you reveal everything about yourself or it’s discoverable with a Google search, you may be diminished in your capacity for intimacy. (Murphy) People no longer have the same privacy they use to have now their whole lives are online, everyone knows where you are, what country you live in, your favorite color or food. Its like having your resume online.

6. Self Expression

6.1. "creating new web content [is] a tactical creativity, which experts...have to work on things in order to make them its own" (326) Manovich

6.1.1. PicCollage many apps allow users to be expressive and share their own type of art, social media has allowed people to connect and allow self expression.

7. Connections

7.1. Social Media has allowed people from al over the world to get in connection

7.1.1. WhatsApp With WhatsApp, you'll get fast, simple, secure messaging and calling for free*, available on phones all over the world. (whatsapp) There are many apps that can be used to connect with people near and far but one of the largest is whatsapp. Allowing people to message and call by just having a phone number and an actual cellular device.

7.2. On the contrary, it has also been shown that although people who spend more time on social media feel more isolated. - Diya

8. Education

8.1. Social Media has changed the way teachers and students connect in a classroom and out of the classroom

8.1.1. Classroom | Google for Education Effective communication and sharing. One of the greatest advantages of Google Classroom is Google Docs; these documents are saved online and shared with a limitless number of people, so when you create an announcement or assignment using a Google doc, your learners can access it immediately through their Google Drive, as long as you have shared it with them. Furthermore, Google Docs are easily organized and personalized in Google Drive folders. In other words, you no longer need emails to share information; you just create a document, share it with as many learners as you want, and voila! (Pappas) Google Classroom Review: Pros And Cons Of Using Google Classroom In eLearning - eLearning Industry

8.1.2. Remind

9. Awareness

9.1. On Social Media it is easy to get help on any awarness from health to political

9.1.1. Breast Cancer Awareness

9.1.2. People can also get the allusion of being an activist without actually doing anything thanks to online petitions and other things. -Ben Slacktivism: The Downfall of Millennials

10. Information and Updates

10.1. "as of early 2008, Facebook hosted over 15,000 applications written by outside developers" (Manovich 323)

10.1.1. Many people are getting news from everywhere, the more people have entered the social realm the more they know whats going on around them.