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Media Safety da Mind Map: Media Safety

1. Resoures

1.1. Media Smarts have information about protecting your personal information and how to be socially responsible and online safety.

1.2. RCMP- ICE (integrated child exploitation) deals with accessing, possession, importation, manufacturing of child pornography, any computer related child sexual abuse. Child luring over the internet, voyeurism involving victims under 13 years old

1.3. Edmonton Police

2. In the classroom

2.1. Have rules up in the classroom for media safety.

2.2. Use sites that are appropriate when showing students a video (youtube cleaner)

3. Teaching

3.1. Teach students how to make their profiles private (Facebook and Instagram)

3.2. Teach them about the safety about media, be cautious of what they put on their profile and who can see it!

3.3. Teach them that what they put on the internet is there forever and may affect their future employment (pictures, statuses)

3.4. Have them use internet sites that teach them about internet safety (Digital etiquette: BrainPop quizzes)