In Search of Respect By Philippe Bourgois

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In Search of Respect By Philippe Bourgois da Mind Map: In Search of Respect By Philippe Bourgois

1. What functions as social capital that allows a person to be "respected" in El Barrio?

2. What does success look like according to Ray? How might that differ from Cesar, Primo, Felix, or Benzie?

3. Legal economies Versus underground economies

4. How is substance abuse tied to personal identity/image of self?

5. Big Anthropological Questions:

5.1. What does it mean to be a person?

5.2. What does it mean to live in a society?

6. Key Concepts

6.1. Power

6.2. Identity

6.3. Social relations

7. What does it mean to live in a society?

8. What does it mean to have dignity?

9. Violence

10. Respect

11. wealth

12. Areas of Inquiry: belonging

12.1. Belonging

12.2. classifying the world

12.3. Conflict

13. Personhood