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Lynching da Mind Map: Lynching

1. When did this occur?

1.1. Lynchings were most frequent from 1890 to the 1920's, it peaked in 1892. Starting with large mob actions attended by hundreds or thousands of watchers, lynchings in the 20th century started to be secretly conducted by smaller groups of people.

2. Where did it take place?

2.1. Mainly In the southern states of America (79%)

3. How has the world changed since then?

3.1. Society went to far by their acts of racial terrorism back in the early 1900's but after the civil rights movement was put in place lynchings have been very rare and over time blacks and whites have achieved equality.

4. Why was it done?

4.1. White of the earl 19th century thought that they were doing justice, racial tension grew as slaves became freed. People were blaming their financial problems on the newly freed slaves that lived around them. Lynchings became a popular way of resolving some of the anger that whites had in relation to the African Americans getting freed.

5. Who was effected?

5.1. African-Americans especially, but sometimes Native Americans, Latinos, Jews, Asian immigrants, and European newcomers, felt the mob's fury and got "punished".

6. What is lynching?

6.1. The practice of African Americans or other minorities getting murdered, as well as being hanged, victims were sometimes burned alive and tortured, with body parts removed and kept as souvenirs.