Explorers and Conquerors

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Explorers and Conquerors da Mind Map: Explorers and Conquerors

1. Hernan Cortes

1.1. Dates: Sailed to Veracruz in 1519

1.2. Events: Established the first Spanish colony in Mexico

1.3. Locations: Fought the Aztec's in Mexico and South America

2. Ferdinand Magellan

2.1. Dates: Explored the East Indies from 1519 to 1522

2.2. Events: Battled Indian's in Asia and islands in the Indian Ocean

2.3. Locations: Found the Magellan straight through South America

3. Bartholomeu Dias

3.1. Dates: Appointed to head an expedition to the southern tip of Africa in 1486

3.2. Events: Discovered the passage around Africa

3.3. Locations: Explored the southern tip of Africa

4. Columbus

4.1. Dates: First landing was 10/12/1492

4.2. Events: Made 4 trips to the Americas, seeking Asia

4.3. Locations: Landed in the Caribbean

5. Sir Francis Drake

5.1. Dates: Awarded knighthood in 1581

5.2. Events: Branded as a pirate by the Spanish

5.3. Locations: Led the expedition on the pacific coast of America

6. Jacques Cartier

6.1. Dates: Sailed to find a Northwest passage to Asia in 1534

6.2. Events: Sailed to the North parts of North America and discovered New Foundland

6.3. Locations: Explored the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Newfoundland